Need Relining Services for Your Chimney? We’ve Got Multiple Options for You

Seemingly inconsequential, a chimney’s flue liner is anything but – in fact, it’s perhaps one of the most crucial components of the entire heating system. This is why it’s imperative to stay on top of your preventive maintenance services, such as chimney cleanings and inspections, so you always know the condition of this most vulnerable area – and when you need to schedule a chimney relining service.

Chimney relining services aren’t something you want to leave in the hands of just anybody. Your chimney liner plays a huge part in chimney system operation, efficiency, and safety, and an improperly lined flue can have a really negative impact on airflow, efficiency, and your system’s ability to function safely.

Fortunately, for homeowners near St. Louis, MO, that’s where we come in. Thanks to our dedicated team of expertly trained, experienced, and Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA)- certified technicians, English Sweep can take care of all of your chimney liner needs.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 636-225-3340. Or, if you prefer, fill out this appointment request form online. We’re here for you, and we’d be glad answer all your hearth-related questions, concerns, and needs.


What Is a Chimney Liner?

Many might not know, but while the first indoor fireplace/chimney system can be traced back to sometime around or before the Medieval age, the chimney liner only became commonplace over the last several decades. Actually, in the 1940s (and then again 40 years later in the ‘80s), researchers performed tests on unlined appliances and found that they could cause nearby combustibles to catch fire in under three-and-a-half hours due to the excessive production of heat with no barrier to contain it.

But that’s not the only job the chimney liner performs. The CSIA lists two other important functions of a chimney liner:

  • Chimney liners create an appropriate-sized flue for the appliance. Just like not all chimneys are created equal, the same is true for their respective flue. Different appliances have different venting needs and because the external chimney structure can only vary so much, flue liners come in different shapes, sizes, and materials in order to accommodate each individual unit. This not only ensures that your system is venting efficiently and effectively, but also that the exchange of air is adequate for optimal combustion and overall performance.
  • They act to protect the chimney from excessive damage. No matter what fuel you utilize in your fireplace, any kind of combustion creates harmful byproducts that are not only harmful to inhale, but can do a number on the inner walls of your chimney too. Without a liner, these harsh, volatile, acidic fumes begin to eat away at the brick (or refractory panels if you have a prefab chimney) which will quickly compromise the entire system. Not only does this create a greater risk for chimney fires when the extreme heat is no longer localized and insulated, but it also makes it easier for those dangerous gases to turn around and enter your home, too.

In short, this component creates a protective barrier for the exhaust smoke to safely travel up and out of the structure as safely and smoothly as possible. Chimney liners protect both your home and masonry from the heat and acidic fumes that your fireplace produces, so liner repairs are definitely not something you want to put off.

Are you a St. Louis homeowner (or live in any of the neighboring communities) looking for the perfect provider to perform a chimney relining service on your system? You’ve come to the right place. The team of CSIA-certified professionals at English Sweep is certainly the right crew for the job.

Get in touch by reaching out to us online, or give us a call at 636-225-3340 to learn more and schedule your service today.

Why Does My Chimney Need To Be Relined?

Ok, so chimney liners are super important – got it. But why might you need to schedule a chimney relining service? Here’s a look at some of the more common reasons a chimney needs to be relined:


Leaks & Water Damage:

Missing caps, faulty crowns, and damaged flashing can all cause water to leak into your chimney and wreak havoc on your flue liner. If enough damage is present, some type of relining work will need to be completed or your system will be unsafe for use.


Lack of Efficiency:

If a flue is incorrectly sized or not fitted with a liner, you won’t experience the high levels of efficiency every fireplace owner hopes for. This is one reason that working with a team of experts from the start is a must – so that everything gets done right the first time, and you don’t run into any future problems.


Chimney Fires or Other Events:

When chimney fires or other big events (like a flood or lightning strike) occur, oftentimes the liner needs to be replaced afterward. These events can be extremely damaging, so never put your system to use afterwards without first getting the go-ahead from a certified sweep.

Tech in English Sweep sweatshirt cutting stainless steel liner truck in background loaded with supplies.

Fuel Changes:

If you’ve decided to change fuel types, it may be that a new liner is needed, depending on what you already have and what fuel you’re switching to. Stainless steel liners can be used with it all – gas, wood, pellet, and oil – but other types of liners aren’t so flexible.


Improper Clearances:

If your fireplace clearances aren’t meeting standards, a new liner may be in order to ensure any adjacent woodwork or other combustibles don’t ignite down the road.

We Have Relining Services to Fit Every Need

What type of chimney liner is right for your chimney?

There are actually a few different options, depending on the kind of appliance you have, the fuel you burn, and your overall budget.

  • For some, a stainless steel chimney liner is their go-to option because it’s reliable, long-lasting, and they know it’ll resolve a host of issues, including widespread liner damage.
  • For others, it makes more sense to have their existing liner repaired or resurfaced – such is the case with masonry chimneys lined with terracotta clay.
  • Depending on the sustained damage and general condition of each individual tube-like tile (and the mortar holding them all together), your system could be a candidate for one of the few HeatShield® resurfacing products – something we’re qualified and proud to offer our customers.

Whatever makes the most sense for your system, we can help. Whether you’re looking to invest in something guaranteed to be strong and durable for the long haul like stainless steel, or you need a cheaper alternative like an aluminum chimney liner until you can afford one that’s stronger, we’ve got you covered. And if your firebox panels need replacing or repair, we can take care of that, too.

Want to learn more about your options and what the chimney relining process looks like? Get in touch with someone from our team. Everyone at English Sweep is not only friendly and approachable, but knowledgeable too.

You can reach out to us online or by calling 636-225-3340. We’d be happy to go over feasible options that will be the best solution for your system and your budget.

How Often Should a Chimney Be Relined?

It’s important to note that frequency of relining has less to do with the actual service of relining and more to do with the physical state and soundness of the liner itself. To rephrase: a chimney should be relined whenever the existing liner material is damaged, deteriorating, or showing other signs of inefficiencies.

Different materials warrant different results in terms of maintaining their structural integrity and overall performance, too. Take, for example, terracotta liners commonly found in most brick chimneys. This material is a popular one for chimney liners because it’s relatively resistant to high temperatures and has elastic properties which allows it to elongate slightly when heated. Thus, with proper care, annual chimney maintenance, and correct operation, a terracotta liner can last quite awhile.

However, if/when a clay liner is exposed to rapid changes in temperature (like in the case of a chimney fire), these tiles can fracture, crack, and separate, especially at the juncture points held together by mortar. When this happens, your liner is no longer safe and effective and requires either a replacement or a restoration.

We should also mention that it doesn’t take just a chimney fire to cause irreparable damage, either. Things like natural wear and tear from regular use over time, frequency of appliance use, overall maintenance, operational habits, and more all contribute to the health and lifespan of your chimney liner.

What Are the Signs My Chimney Needs Relining?

There are instances where it might be evident that your chimney liner requires a replacement, such as small bits of terracotta littering the floor of your firebox, but most of the time, you’d have no way of knowing. Issues with chimney liners can present like any other damaged system component: signs or noticeable presence of water, strange odors, weird burning behavior, excessive smoke production, etc.
Because all of the composite parts work so synchronously together, without the consultation of a professional chimney technician physically examining the structure in its entirety, it can be very difficult to discern the root cause of a lot of problems.

This is why creating and keeping up with a regular, annual maintenance schedule that includes both a chimney sweep service and an inspection is vital for optimal and efficient system performance. Remember that fireplaces and their chimneys are designed to literally contain and safely vent a living, breathing fire inside of your home, so preventive care is always preferred over reactive (and often expensive) chimney repairs.

Luckily, that’s why we’re here. We’ve seen enough chimneys and fireplaces in our day to know what they need and when. So, no matter what issue you’re experiencing with your system, you can rest assured that when you call on the team at English Sweep, Inc., you’re in good, capable hands.
Book a service with us online or give us a call at 636-225-3340.

Can You Reline an Old Chimney?

Absolutely! Usually, no matter if your chimney is brick masonry or prefabricated, if there isn’t already a liner inside the structure, we’ll install one made of metal. We touched on this a little earlier, but when it comes to metal liners specifically, they are generally constructed from two different metals: aluminum or stainless steel. Regardless of which one you choose, metal liners take the form of a long, semi-flexible tube measured to the precise dimensions required for your heating appliance.

Because metal flue liners are quite easy to manipulate, installation is usually pretty quick and easy. Our techs will climb up to your roof, drop the liner down the flue, and ensure that it is appropriately situated above the firebox. However, just because it’s a relatively straightforward process does not mean it’s DIY-able….

Can I Reline My Chimney Myself?

No. Well, “can” and “should” are often conflated in these kinds of questions and while we can’t exactly “forbid” you from doing whatever you please, when it comes to anything to do with your hearth and chimney, you really shouldn’t.

Sure, replacing a chimney liner is a quick and easy service for us, but we’re professionals with extensive training and decades of experience. Chimney systems are infinitely more complicated than we give them credit for and we’d hate for you to cause harm to yourself or your appliance in an attempt to save on paying for a chimney relining service.

Trust us – the smarter, safer, and ultimately more affordable option is to call us first. Otherwise, you could end up paying significantly more for not only the replacement liner or relining job, but for any accidental damage caused during your experimentation too. Plus, scheduling it for someone else frees up more of your time to spend with your family and loved ones – and isn’t that what life is all about?

Our Knowledgeable Chimney Sweeps Are Here for You – Just Call

If you’re looking to book a flue relining or repair job, just give us a holler. See why we’re the preferred chimney service provider in the greater St. Louis area; we’re positive you won’t be disappointed. Our number is 636-225-3340, and we’d love to hear from you! You can also book an appointment online right here.


We offer dryer vent cleaning solutions as part of our chimney services. Call us to take care of this important maintenance task.